
##about planning
So there goes my gym plan…
So there leaves my reading plan…
But I will never stop panning and trying to keep them.

前天,2013.1.17,我第一次去欣赏了一场交响音乐会,在国家大剧院。突然觉得,我也应该有点爱好,培养些情操。People say 每个人欣赏音乐时的感触会不同。这次在听音乐会时我感觉到了希望,自己在一步步向理想的生活接近,对自己想要什么渐渐明确。

##Downton Abbey

  • No, let him go, let him go. Don’t stop him doing the only sensible thing he’s come up with in months. It’s over, dear, don’t drag it out. Wish him well and let him go.

/- You are being tested. And do you know what they say, my darling? Being tested only makes you stronger.
/- I don’t think it’s working with me.

/- What would you like me to get you?
/- A different life.
/- Let me bring you up some breakfast.
/- No. I’m a useless spinster, good at helping out, that is my role. And spinsters get up for breakfast.

  • When tragedies strike, we try to find someone to blame. In the absence of a suitable candidate, we usually blame ourselves.

  • My wife is dead, I’m past help, but thank you. Grief makes oneself terribly tired.
