Mad men - my fav


最近重拾Mad men,恰好今年就要剧终,趁最后一季播出前回顾下之前的六季。大约是给谁形容过该剧,我说我爱看这部剧因为它不浮躁,它慢慢的,轻轻的,诉说一群人动荡的人生。里面的角色每一个都很丰满,我可以从几乎每一个人身上找到自己的影子。有人说它是部时尚剧,带动时尚圈的复古潮流;有人说它是部职场剧,场景设定于60年代一家不大不小的广告公司,讲述里面的老板职员们的故事;有人会说它是爱情剧,里面各个人物各自的爱情故事,几乎涵盖了当今浮躁的人们的各种爱情观;我觉得这是部心理剧,在淋漓刻画剧中人物的同时,引我联想到自己,矛盾的我自己。

关于各种感触剖析,我留给我自己,我想我是那种永远都在试图自我定位而又苦不得定解的人。Who am I ? -- That is a problem. 这里只记录剧里一些引我notice的话,they all at some point affected me.

##Mad men

  • Who knows why people do what they do.

  • Success is related to standing out, not fitting in. It’s a fad.

  • So phony, falling in love with that girl just to show how interesting you are.

  • And no one will tell you this, but you can’t be a man, don’t even try. Be a woman. It’s a powerful business when done correctly.

- What’s wrong with you? I don’t know.
- What do they want you to do? I don’t know.
- Yes you do. Do it. Do whatever they say. Listen to me, get out of here and move forward. This never happened. It will shock you how much it never happened.

- This is the one. 1962 Coupe de Ville. Does everything but make breakfast. What are you in now ?
- I had a Dodge.
- Those are wonderful if you want to get somewhere, this is for when you’ve already arrived.
- Is that right?
- Of course, someone like you, you don’t need to see yourself in a Cadillac, you’re walking about in one everyday. How’d you like your car to look like that ?

  • There are few people who get to decide what will happen in our world, you have been invited to join them. Pull back the curtain and take your seat.

  • If I don’t go into that office every day, who am I ?

  • Our worst fears lie in anticipation. –Balzac.

  • If you don’t like what is being said, change the conversation.

  • I am hungry, but it’s not worth moving.

  • I think about my business day and night, and I’m a harsh critic, especially of myself. And sometimes it collects and I feel bad. And then I realize: Maybe that’s the reason I’m so lonesome. –Hilton

  • They are mourning for their childhood more than they’re anticipating their future.

/- I know that every account I have will eventually leave me.
/- That’s awfully pessimistic.

  • There is no fresh start, lives carry on.

/- What do I do here? I mean, truly?
/- Something essential.
/- You could do it.
/- If they’ve tried to make you feel you’re different than them, you are. That’s a good way to be.

  • It might have been living in the country that was making him cry. It was killing him with its silence and loneliness…making everything ordinary too beautiful to bear.

  • It’s exquisitely decadent.

  • I’ve had loss in my life. You have to let yourself feel it. You can’t dampen it with drugs and sex. It won’t get you through.

  • The world out there… I have to hold on to them or I’ll get lost in the chaos.

  • It’s going to take you a moment to realize where you are. You are free. Free of her, you’re free of them…You’re free of everything.

  • It’s sunny here for everyone but me.

  • I wish it was yesterday.

  • Living in the not knowing. That’s the job.

  • We could comfort each other through an uncertain world.

/- I was in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania… I looked in the window of so many station wagons… What did I do wrong ?
/- You’re doing great.

  • Regrets, I’ve had a few. But then again, too few to mention. I did what I had to do, and saw it through without exemption.
